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Tras más de 50 discos en diversas formaciones, y con la experiencia adquirida en más de 20 años de carrera nacional e internacional como flautista, cantante, compositor, guitarrista, productor y docente,

Pablo Selnik reduce el formato a su mínima expresión después de su último disco a cuarteto "Decadence as a Virtue" (Fresh Sound, 2020).

Flauta/voz y guitarra, con Jaume Llombart sin duda una de las voces guitarrísticas más importantes del panorama europeo.


Las composiciones de Selnik navegan en su complejo y personal universo donde todas las sonoridades trabajan para la música sin etiquetas. Ecos de los 70's, rock y country, armonías y progresiones jazzísticas con un enfoque moderno y vanguardista sin renunciar nunca a la melodía y a la genuina sorpresa.

Pablo Selnik:  flute, vocals & compositions

Jaume Llombart: electric guitar

After more than 50 albums in various formations, and with the experience gained in over 20 years of national and international career as a flutist, singer, composer, guitarist, producer, and educator,

Pablo Selnik reduces the format to its minimum expression after his latest quartet album "Decadence as a Virtue" (Fresh Sound, 2020).

Flute/voice and guitar, with Jaume Llombart undoubtedly one of the most important guitar voices in the European scene.

Selnik's compositions navigate through his complex and personal universe where all sounds work for the music without labels. Echoes of the 70s, rock and country, harmonies and jazz progressions with a modern and avant-garde approach without ever renouncing melody and genuine surprise.


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